Sarubah & Aayushi | An Engagement to Remember at Shark Fin Cove | Davenport, CA
November 3, 2022

Is there anything more profound than a perfect day at the beach? Yes! A day at Shark Fin Cove with a 10 foot wall of water crashing behind your subject as they share an intimate kiss! 

How perfect is this? I'll break it down! The sunset, golden, a flaming ball of fire over the ocean, crashing and rolling waves with just enough room to be able to walk near the water. The weather, a perfect 65° in Davenport, California. The location, Shark Fin Cove but there isn't a soul on the beachfront! It was perfect.

Our evening began with the adventure that is the hike to get down to the beach front. Aayushi decided to wear a white dress to start and boy was I worried that she would get it dirty but in true lady like fashion she managed to get all the way to the water without a speck of sand on her dress. I was impressed to say the least! Sarubah was so excited to be there. His face constantly showed how smitten he was with Aayushi and it was the cutest thing ever!

Our first images were only the beginning to the magic that we captured that whole shoot. As we got further and further into poses I noticed that the tide had significantly rolled in, creeping further up the sand by the minute. Problem? For some perhaps but what I saw next was the most incredible thing that I have shot thus far.

As the waves crashed against the rocky shore on the left side of the beach, they created 10 - 20ft walls of water, crashing vertically and leaving the most beautiful mist as they came crashing down on the rocks. And behold, Sarubah & Aayushi decided it would be the perfect time to share an intimate kiss and BOOM! Magic was captured.

The sun began to set over the water and the sky erupted into a fireball. The waves in the cove switched direction, crashing off of the walls of water shooting waves in every which direction. It was maginificent. As Sarubah lifted Aayushi and twirled her around the combination of her flawless hair waving in the ocean breeze and the walls of water that were being created right behind them made the final images from Shark Fin Cove worth the new bone chilling cold as the sun finally set behind the horizon. And just like that, we were off to the next location.

We arrived at the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk's Casino Arcade at about 7pm. The lights shined on Sarubah & Aayushi as they walked into the arcade. Of course we stopped to take a few photos but the real magic happened when they started wandering around the arcade! The results? Probably the most adorable life style shoot that I have shot thus far! Moving through each game, making faces at each other, and the best part was that none of this was staged leaving me with the most authentic candid shots known to photography in my humble opinion. It was a match made in heaven. I hope to get to shoot with them again and again! 

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